As I arrive in Warwick, CT, I am gearing up for NYC and trying to ramp down from the excitement of seeing Plymouth Rock. (?????) Been a good trip with lots more colors and neat homes and very "New England" buildings. Still lots of history, good food, and some of the nicest folks you would ever want to meet. They have a little fun with my accent, but it's all good.
The little cutie is Joyce, the lady that rented me her apt. and took me to Harvard for my Ivy League education.
I took the steps, all 295 of them, to the top of the monument for Bunker Hill, and I am still alive. Now I know why there are "landings" every so often. Then a long walk back through the city of Boston. My legs and heart are really getting a workout. (After that huge peanut butter cookie I needed it.)
More on food, people, sights, and conversations when I get back. Till then, enjoy and know that I do feel your presence.