Saturday, October 24, 2009

Eddiemoore goes to Harvard

Yep, that's right. Yesterday I went to Harvard and actually sat in on a class. The lady, Joyce, that is renting her apt. to me goes there, Harvard Business School, and took me with her yesterday just prior to her leaving for NYC this weekend. It just so happened that the lecture was by the President of American Red Cross and she was awesome. Joyce introduced me as being from MS, formally in the Air Force, as well as a Katrina survivor, and the whole group applauded and did I feel special. (At least until these kids starting talking and asking questions. These are 20 year old kids, and they think and talk like intellectual professors. Maybe our futures isn't in quite as much trouble as I thought). Any way, now I have been to Harvard and taken a class. (Whowudathunkit????)

So, here I am, alone in the apt., and because it is nasty outside, rain, fog, quite cold, I am taking the day off. Laundry, updating pics, updating my blog, catching up on email and phone calls, and waiting for "FOOTBALL".

Therefore, here are pics from yesterday and hopefully tomorrow there will be plenty of Boston to share.


1 comment:

  1. Hey - it sounds like a great title and idea for a movie.....'Eddie Moore goes to Harvard' - hmmm, who could be the star of this movie? Tom Hanks? Matt Damon? George Clooney? No - wait - I've got it.......... Eddie Moore! Seriously, it looks like a beautiful place. Thanks for posting the pics . . keep 'em coming!
