Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back in Riga

Long, wonderful day. Let's see what I can do before crashing. Washed clothes yesterday in a "small" washer w/ no dryer. Hence, no fabric softner. (This is gonna be fun). Went back to Riga today to catch a few more photos and watch Laila make a presentation to a marketing class. Photos from the palace, old Riga, New Riga, and just good stuff in general. Hope you enjoy and I'll try to get it right tomorrow night......

The big gothic building and the white brick building are left over from the Russian era. They were so incredibly against capitilasium that only Gov't buildings were impressive, all else was plain and nearly just alike.

No, that's not a red hat, that's her hair.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful achitecture! The Cobblestone streets are awesome! Good luck getting your clothes dry in time for packing!!!
