Friday, November 5, 2010

Helping Haries

Wow, traveled half way around the world and still got to use some of my "Honey Kandu" handyman skills. Haries has an exibition tomorrow and had to get his art up, so guess who helped. Great day with him and needless to say, since it had to do with handyman "stuff", I LOVED IT". Long day, but it was worth it.

Plus, what you see in the movies about people going to the store and walking miles to get home with "ONE" bag of groceries, is true!!!!! Hope you enjoy..


  1. Beautiful!! So - tell us about the food you are eating. What is Latvian food like? The one photo where you are sitting at table with someone looks really good!

  2. Wonderful! I also want to know what the food was like, I want to compare to the food we eat in C.R. What a beautiful gesture to help Haries get ready for his showing, you are such a good person! I'm sure he was very appreciative. Que Dios Te Bendiga! LL.
